Faculty & Staff Directory
2024-2025 School Year
All staff are available to answer questions. Feel free to email at any time.
Dr. Bridget J. Bujak | Principal | bjbujak@philasd.org |
Mrs. Rachel Moore | Assistant Principal | rmoore3@philasd.org |
Ms. Theresa M. Underwood | School-Based Teacher Leader | tmurphy2@philasd.org |
Mrs. Erin Kapfhammer | School-Based Teacher Leader | eguilfoyle@philasd.org |
Mrs. Karen Gundy | Special Education Compliance Monitor | kgundy@philasd.org |
Mr. Joshua Maroney | Roster Chair & Math Teacher | jmaroney@philasd.org |
Ms. Safiya Elliotte | Climate Manager | selliotte@philasd.org |
Mrs. Jennifer Mapp | School Counselor 10th & 11th Grades | jmapp@philasd.org |
Mr. Domenic Stinger | School Counselor 9th & 12th Grades | dstinger@philasd.org |
Mr. Melzion Hayes | Dean of Students | ahayes3@philasd.org |
Ms. Jennifer Gerena | Dean of Students | jegerena@philasd.org |
Mrs. Jessica Miller | Main Office Secretary | jnotis@philasd.org |
Ms. Caitlin Clarke | Humanities Teacher | cclarke@philasd.org |
Mr. Justin Deutsch | Media Teacher | jdeutsch@philasd.org |
Mrs. Pouneh Emery | Humanities Teacher | pemery@philasd.org |
Ms. Kathleen Johnson | 12 Plus Site Director | kjohnson@12plus.org |
Mr. Dan Johnston | PE/ Health Teacher | djohnston@philasd.org |
Ms. Doulton Ho | Science Teacher | dho@philasd.org |
Ms. Namilah Nimetullah | Special Education Teacher | nnimettullah@philasd.org |
Mrs. Marguerite Pierre | Humanities Teacher, EL point person | mpierre@philasd.org |
Mr. Christopher Rachiele | Math Teacher | crachiele@philasd.org |
Mr. Roland Ratnum | Science Teacher | rmratnum@philasd.org |
Ms. Caitlin Clarke | Humanities Teacher | cclarke@philasd.org |
Mr. Ricardo Vallejo | Humanities Teacher | rvallejo@philasd.org |
Dr. Mark Wilkens | Math Teacher | mwilkens@philasd.org |
Ms. Jessica Ali | Special Education teacher | jali@philasd.org |
Mr. Cosmas Onyekwere | Special Education teacher | conyekwere@philasd.org |
Ms. Suzanne Walsh | Art Teacher | swalsh@philasd.org |