Health Information

*Click on forms highlighted in green or scroll down to the bottom of this page to access any form needed. If you cannot print a form, your child may obtain a copy from the nurse or you may request one via email.
The school nurse is dedicated to improving the health and well being of all students. We look forward to working with you and your child to provide safe, quality health care, throughout the school year. Please look over this entire page so that you are informed about the services provided by the school nurse.
This page is a resource guide to help parents/guardians address health concerns for students and provides a quick location site to get health forms that are required by the School District of Philadelphia. If you have any questions, please contact the nurse by phone at 215-400-3930 option 2. The nurse’s office is located in the Roberto Clemente Middle School building. There are specific times that the nurse is available, separately, to both schools every day.
Updated COVID-19 Guidance
- Effective April 1, 2024, the School District will no longer require a 5-day isolation period for those who test positive for COVID-19.
This shift to treating COVID-19 like other respiratory viral illnesses is in alignment with guidance from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH), and comes as the data in our region has shown greater immunity against the virus, with declining hospitalizations and deaths. That said, it is still important to be careful. Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should still take the following precautions:
: Stay home if you have symptoms and remain home until are symptom-free and fever-free for at least 24 hours (without medication).
: Wear a well-fitted mask for 5 days after their return to school.
: Practice good hygiene – wash hands regularly with soap and water or hand sanitizer, and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue.
: Parents/guardians should notify the school or school nurse if their child tests positive for COVID-19 or is diagnosed with any contagious illness.
: In the event of a school-wide or classroom outbreak, impacted students and families will continue to be notified. : Visit the School District of Philadelphia’s Student Health Services page for more information.
State law requires all children entering school meet specific immunization requirements. If the requirement is not met, your child may be excluded from school until the requirement is met.
Click here for more information about immunization requirements
Students are NOT allowed to have any medications on their person or in their schoolbag at any time unless approved by the school nurse. This includes asthma inhalers and over the counter medications.
Any medication (prescription and over-the-counter medicines) or treatment necessary during the school day requires the following:
- The MED-1 form must be completed by the child’s medical provider, signed by the parent/guardian, and updated every year.
- The medications must be submitted directly to the school nurse in the original packaging from the pharmacy.
- It is strongly recommended that AM medications are taken at home with parental supervision.
- Medications that must be given during school hours will occur between 10:00am through one hour before dismissal.
Please select the Med-1 form needed for submission to the school nurse (the nurse will provide the form if you do not have access to a printer):
- Request for the Administration of Medication
- Request for the Administration of Asthma Medication
- Request for the Administration of Seizure Medication
For your child’s safety and wellbeing, please let the school nurse know of any health condition that might impact your child during school hours. We request that you complete Form S-865 every year and submit to the school nurse as soon as possible. The same form is required every year in order to give your child Tylenol (Acetaminophen), Motrin (Ibuprofen), or hydrocortisone cream.
Physical examinations are required for all students entering the 11th grade. Please have this form completed by the child’s doctor and submit to the school nurse or Main Office.
The following policy has been developed by the School District of Philadelphia to minimize the amount of time a child is absent from school secondary to lice. Please read through the policy and contact the school nurse if you have any further questions.
If your child becomes ill during school hours, the nurse might determine that the child should be picked-up from school. Only listed emergency contacts or parent/guardians can pick up a child for early dismissals due to medical reasons. Make sure that your emergency contact form is updated with the main office any time your telephone number or address changes. Contact the Main Office for emergency contact forms. Per School District policy, all early dismissals must be done in the Main Office with proper identification.
*Always provide the school with an absence note if your child was absent due to illness.
1. Fever – 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, the student should remain home until free of fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medications.
2. Diarrhea, Vomiting – The student may return to school 24 hours after being free of symptoms.
3. Vomiting – Occurrence of more than one episode of vomiting and associated with other symptoms. May return to school 24 hours after being free of symptoms.
4. The child was in the hospital. The child must have a note to return to school.
5, Eye infection- The child must be evaluated by the doctor and have a note to return to school.
6. The child a rash with itching or fever. Free from rash, itching, or fever and have a note to return to school.
7. Earache, ear drainage. The child must be evaluated by the doctor and have a note to return to school.